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Friday, April 30, 2010

Wanted: Asian Persuasion (1)

Man -  I don't know about you but every famous musician that's up in the forefront - if that - is African American, Hispanic, or Caucasian.  What the hell is up with that?  Where are all the Asians at?  Are we to busy dry cleaning, doing nails, teaching people the secret ways of the ninja to grab a mic and guitar and rocking out?   mean - what the hell - again?    

 Oh - yeah.  The same goes with acting.  It seems like if we're not throwing a punch or a kick we don't get any love, either.  Maybe everybody is scared of our big penises.

So - it's got me thinking.  There has to be some musicians out there trying to make their way.  And so here I start my quest.  After some searching I found a pretty fun, poppy group that is sort of in the same vein as Broken Social Scene in energy and dynamics if not talent. They hail from San Francisco, California and our fronted by the very cute Thao Nyguyen.  The rest of the band are Adam Thompson on bass, Willie Thomas on drums.  Check them out.

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