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Music That Will Eat Your Face is designed to introduce you to bands that you may have not heard before because there is no room for them on the airwaves with all that trash that they play. Well - here's your chance to listen to this great music and see or hear for yourself.

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Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Life from a Shoe Store Mirror (1)

Man - who doesn't like to sit back and chill while listening to some truly mind twisting music. Letting the music twirl through the air - float into your noise mitts - and sink into your brain causing your thoughts to wander into that far off place that is anywhere but right here, right now? I'm talking about music that makes you feel like your on drugs - music that probably enhances them if you're into that kind of thing.

I - myself - love it. This type of music just fills your senses - all of them - and makes you want to sink through whatever you are sitting or lying on and soak yourself up into sky on the other side of the planet. There's nothing like it.

Since longer than most of us remember there has been many bands either fully into this style of music or bands that just dip there toes into without rocketing off and beyond the aurora borealis.

Here are two bands that definitely go full throttle with it. One from the way back and one that is a little bit more modern.

The first band - Country Joe and the Fish - didn't - at first -record this song the way it turned out. But one day on the influence of LSD - which was legal back in those days - they played around and came up with this result.

And many years later the Black Angels gives us their take on psychedelic rock. Whereas not all psychedelic rock.

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