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Monday, April 26, 2010

So Long and Farewell - Thanks for the Tunes (1)

To me there is almost nothing worse than losing a great band for whatever reason - be it an unfortunate death of a band member, the group no longer getting along and later separating ways or they were just to damn tired - whether it be from touring or just the whole frigging scene all together. I mean it's like losing a fucking pet. These bands are the bands I will explore with the theme that this very post - no not that one over there - is about. Not to be confused with the direct opposite of the other theme: Damn We're Out of Money - Let's Make a New Record (Do You Think We're Still Any Good?)

The first band I'll explore is one that I cannot understand the lost of. This is a band from Champaign, Illinois that should have been as famous as their other peers from Chicago who you might have heard of called the Smashing Pumpkins - who are kind of lame now and really only consists of pretty much Billy "I'm the Master" Corgan. Anyway - this isn't about them. This is about the wall of sound building - getting into your head - making sounds into color band called Hum.

The latest incarnation of the band was Matt Talbott (vocals, guitars), Tim Lash (guitars), Jeff Dimpsey (bass), and Bryan St. Pere on drums.

And I'll tell you what - St.Pere could play the fucking drums like a maniac. Not to take away from all the other members of the band but St.Pere is one of my favorite drummers and is terribly underrated. But so was the whole band.

Here they are:

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